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"Tributes paid to former Trócaire head Justin Kilcullen following his death"

In the run-up to the U.S. Presidential election in 2000, Trócaire issued a statement saying something along the lines how Al Gore would be the better pick for global development and justice.

Éamon Dunphy brought Kilcullen onto the radio show he hosted, to discuss the statement. Dunphy was an ass throughout the interview. His position was that, because Bill Clinton abused his office to sexually abuse a young woman working for him, Al Gore should not be permitted to be president because all that happened while Gore was VP and ... I can't remember it all. He did imply, or say outright, that young women would not be safe working in or near the White House with Gore as president. It was all nonsense.

Kilcullen kept his cool for all of the call, IIRC, and maintained the point that Gore understood issues of global development and justice more than Bush, and that he understood the problems to be solved. He didn't budge, and refused to accept the premise of any of Dunphy's questions.

Given the horror of the following 24 years (forever wars with millions of innocents violently killed; widening wealth gaps; increasing climate-damaging emissions, etc.), all due to direct or follow-on policies of Bush and his successors, I'm certain that Justin Kilcullen was in the right of that conversation.