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If you think religion – and by extension our inability to think rationally, which it legitimises at the highest levels of society – has “nothing to do with it”, you’re clearly not paying attention.

And by “it”, I mean the climate crisis (the habitat crisis), I mean the human tragedies unfolding in Gaza and elsewhere… I mean our inability to tackle the existential challenges of our times in a logical and reasoned manner because we have 21st century technology driven by 1st century thinking.

Kevin Karhan :verified: reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

not to say that religion has NOTHING to do with it. but i have questions:
1. what prevents an atheist from supporting fossil fuel use/imperialist war/etc.? (there are plenty of atheists who do.)
2. why is religion such a powerful ideology in the 21st century, given the nature of present society?
3. what would have to change in society, to release the grip of religion on peoples minds?
in reply to Rozalia Sofia

@redrozalia 1. Nothing. But they can’t blame it on their beliefs either.

2. Because it’s about power and control. It’s always been about power and control.

3. Fuck knows. If you find out, please let the rest of us know because I don’t like where this is all heading otherwise.

in reply to Aral Balkan

this is what i think: religion is one of many justifications used for the maintenance of power, in this case the power of the owning class over the working class.

but any ideology could be a justification: religion, nationalism, racism, conservatism, even liberalism. the problem isnt the ideology—the ideology is the cover for the problem. but the problem is class society, in this case capitalism.

and its recognition of the reality of capitalist society that enables working people to unite (regardless of religious, national, ethnic, etc. identities) and fight for its destruction and the creation of a new, socialistic world society. that is what i think must happen.

in reply to Aral Balkan

If the last 40 years is anything to go by, those men in power who want to stay in power (see my other response in this thread) are converting to Neoliberalism, with no small success.

Whatever it is, the answer to 3. is not to consider religion, but to look for a way to deal with those men in power who want to remain in power.

Based on my extensive amateur reading of history (mostly Roman, but others too), I've come to the conclusion that religion is the tool that was developed to keep powerful men in power.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Based on my extensive amateur reading of history (mostly Roman, but others too), I've come to the conclusion that religion is the tool that was developed to keep powerful men in power.
in reply to Aral Balkan

we are but a bunch of apes with good tech - I don't think we can change much about that, spirituality is part of us and will not go away because a bunch of people people are good at logic and being rational. Check out this neat video on superstition in baseball:
Unknown parent

Éibhear 🔭

My point is that neoliberalism is working for those men in power who want to stay in power, and the quid-pro-quo implied by religion (worship, charity, morality, shame, etc.) are no longer needed. I didn't mean to suggest it's either/or for them. For them, it's whatever works (and, note, in the country I live in, Ireland, adherence to neoliberalism has taken on a a very familiar ideological patina).

I agree with you: dismissing neoliberalism doesn't require following anything else, including religion.

Regarding "Can it be allowed ANY credit?" I would like to see a world where religion isn't being used anywhere by men in power who want to stay in power. Until then, I'm afraid I will not be able to answer your question.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Someone brought up a good point... about working with religions which are so old... The Bahá'ís would suggest that religion is progressive and that the most recent one (but not the last), which deals with modern-day problems, is called the Bahá'í Faith.
Unknown parent

Rozalia Sofia

how much can you credit religion, indeed? it has been used to justify not just capitalism, but chattel slavery, colonization, serfdom... as well as socialism, manumission, national liberation, and democracy.

you should wonder to what extent youve been directly influenced by jesus. the teachings attributed to him have been filtered through 2,000 years of religion, politics, and society, so his own particular opinions are far from the only or even the major influence on your opinions.

Unknown parent

Éibhear 🔭
The world you want looks almost indinguishable from the one I want. I hope that doesn't cause you a problem!

I hope that what I want will result in everyone being treated in fact with the same dignity as everyone else. If that is an end result of what you want, too, then it would never cause me a problem.