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Every so often I see a post about how LLMs fail logic puzzles.

And... yes? Of course they do. The only way it could solve it is if it has seen the puzzle before or a substantially similar one. (But that might cause it to give the answer to the similar one, not the correct answer.)

Why is this even tested so often or considered surprising? It is, in essence, an autocomplete. It does not understand logic. It has no concept of a correct answer. It gives the most likely completion.

in reply to Tom Walker

Nearly every single comment I see from those who aren't involved in designing AIs and LLMs over-emphasises the "I" and under-emphasises the "A". I suspect this is at the core of the surprise that LLMs are shite at problem-solving.
in reply to Éibhear 🔭

@eibhear Yes, the term is a problem. There is no more intelligence in "AI" than in, say, a calculator.
in reply to Tom Walker

@eibhear that’s too strong. AI isn’t intelligence, but for _some_ proposes, it’s a good enough substitute.
in reply to Tom Walker

@eibhear a calculator is enough when you know the rules to be followed to get the result.