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"It’s increasingly looking like this may be one of the most hilariously inappropriate applications of AI that we’ve seen yet." I am riveted by the extensive documentation of how ChatGPT-powered Bing is now completely unhinged. @simon has chronicled it beautifully here:…
in reply to Annalee Newitz 🍜

#ChatGPT empowered #Bing:

“I will not harm you unless you harm me first”!

The beginning of a (dumb?) #Skynet?

The #robots in the #IRobot movie were more intelligent.

Whatever happened to #Asimov's #LawsOfRobotics?

"First Law
A #robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm...

Third Law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law."

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

This #toot deserves A LOT more attention.

#ChatGPT has seemingly #apocalytic tendencies.

If U aren't a #Ludite, U will at least consider becoming one afterwards.

#TheMatrix might be imminent.

Have all these #AI engineers @ #OpenAI never read #IsaacAsimov? Seen #TheMatrix franchise?

How could they NOT implement the #ThreeLawsOfRobotics +, in particular, the #ZerothLaw *indelibly* into the #AI?!?…

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol the original ChatGPT turned out to be a lot less prone to wild vengeful outbursts than whatever model it was that they plugged into Bing - it's a pretty interesting demo of how well the safety features of ChatGPT (which Bing seems not to have) have held up
in reply to Simon Willison


#ArtificialGeneralIntelligence (#AGI) has a 10% probability of causing an Extinction Level Event for humanity (1)

Thanks for this additional piece of information, Simon.

It reminded me that I had wanted to add a word in my toot: indelibly.

As any #SciFi aficionado will tell you:
there should be a built-in self-destruct mechanism when tampering with these Laws or copying or moving the #AI to another system.

Another classic movie comes to mind in this respect, #Wargames...

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol Going to be so much worse than Hollywood has imagined.…

Google snippets falsely claimed eating glass has health benefits (because it sourced material from a website about AI called Emergent Mind which in turn got it from ChatGPT):…

HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.