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Hi @adriandaub,

(1/n) #TESCREAL--the dangerous billionaires' philosophy

I listened to your fascinating interview (1) with #ThomasZimmer. (1)
Also, I had a brief look at your #Wikipedia entry.

When I read in the shownotes that this was about your book, which I haven't read, "What Tech Calls Thinking" is a lively dismantling of the ideas that form the intellectual..
Is This Democracy:
25. The Ideology of #SiliconValley vs the Idea of Democracy – with #AdrianDaub

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in reply to HistoPol (#HP) πŸ₯₯ 🌴


...bedrock of Silicon Valley" (2) and the names
#ElonMusk and #PeterThiel came up, I had my hopes up and was expecting
another view of their ideology based on #Longtermism.


A week ago, I had listened to a similar podcast, hosted by @davetroy, who had philosopher and historian Γ‰mile P. #Torres ( @xriskology) and the #AI researcher Dr. #TimnitGebru ( @timnitGebru), a #Stanford alumnus, former technical co-lead of #Google's Ethical...

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) πŸ₯₯ 🌴

...#ArtificialIntelligence Team, as guests in his show.

They ...dismantled
...the true roots of the #TechBillionaires' ideologies, #Transhumanism and #Eugenics (and more), which they have come to call by its acronym, #TESCREAL.(3)

I really would love to see the four of you in a podium discussion on the #SiliconValley ideologies! πŸ€”

Your chief explanation in the interview seems to have been a childhood...


in reply to HistoPol (#HP) πŸ₯₯ 🌴



...penchant for #SciFi, the early-blooming in life of these tech founders, and the nerd-discrimination they had suffered for their nerdy books.
Even though all these are facts, they are not at the bottom of all this. The #SouthAfrican-born #Musk, child of #apartheid, seems to be another factor.

I do see, though, that an overidentification with #FrankHerbert's #Dune's Paul Muad'Dib...

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in reply to HistoPol (#HP) πŸ₯₯ 🌴

@davetroy And Heinlein's DD Harriman. They, I think, lack even the limited (necessarily for fictional characters) empathy shown by those characters.

I suspect Jubal Henshaw and Lazarus Long play into their self images as well. All in all, my gut feeling is that Heinlein may be the strongest driver of their self-mythologizing, but they still seem to miss out on his empathy and anti-authoritarianism..

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to NiftyLinks


Moreover, all of those characters had partners and/or foils to help and share and strive for and against. The tech billionaires that I see, not so much. Bezos and Gates have to some extent, but... Well, those relationships didn't survive the pandemic.

in reply to NiftyLinks

SFnal folks tend to weight Heinlein heavily & that may be right - he's less well known in the mainstream, which is a bit weird to us on the inside, but SO MUCH of the worse stuff in the TESCREAL bundle is so much like the worst stuff from Heinlein.
@HistoPol @adriandaub @davetroy
in reply to FeralRobots



Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

As I did not read #RobertAHeinlein's #SciFi novels in one go and did not have the knowledge I have now, I might not have realized this.
I had given other authors, more well-known in the general public, like #Orwell and #Bradbury more weight:…

Your comments got me thinking. Maybe it is time for a #Heinlein renaissance, at least in my πŸ“š list. πŸ˜‰

Due to the threat they pose...

@NiftyLinks @adriandaub @davetroy


#ArtificialGeneralIntelligence (#AGI) has a 10% probability of causing an Extinction Level Event for humanity (1)

Thanks for this additional piece of information, Simon.

It reminded me that I had wanted to add a word in my toot: indelibly.

As any #SciFi aficionado will tell you:
there should be a built-in self-destruct mechanism when tampering with these Laws or copying or moving the #AI to another system.

Another classic movie comes to mind in this respect, #Wargames...

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) πŸ₯₯ 🌴

@FeralRobots @NiftyLinks @davetroy

(2/3) democracy and humanity, I think it is high time that at least #journalists and intellectuals be acquainted with many #billionaires' like #Musk philosophies steeped in #TESCREAL, the acronym that stands for "...the overlapping emergent belief systems that characterize the contrarian, #AI-centric worldviews challenging..." #progressivism...
